Company profile

Trace Team AS is a engineering company established in 2011 with a goal to be working closely together with heat tracing contractors and to be the preferred partner within heat tracing design. We have many years experience within engineering companies and suppliers of heat tracing materials. Our vision is to deliver heat tracing design that we and our partners are proud of and that will operate with low maintenance cost. Trace Team will also focus on the end users health and environment such as early detecting of earth fault and energy saving control methods.

Backup desember 2013 043Trace Team has many years experience within heat tracing design and supervision in large projects both in Norway and around the world. We are special focusing on NORSOK standard for projects in the Norwegian shelf. We have been involved in most of the Norwegian projects since late 90’s.

We started this company with a idea to be a special company within heat tracing design and supervision to help out with many of the problems this discipline can cause.

Our experience with the heat tracing is that this can cause many problems and delay in the project execution phase if the design and installation is not carried out according to heat tracing regulations and manufactures instructions.

We see a need for a specialist company to be a part of the project in an early phase both with engineering and construction to avoid many of the problems that can occur.







Tordenskjolds gate 67
4009 Stavanger
Norway NO 997 654 994 MVA

Lars Inge Erdal
Managing Director
+47 911 06 646